Shortly after my last post the ice on the river here at Galena moved far enough for the tripod to fall. I didn’t go near the river till Monday morning so I wasn’t aware of it until I was running in to work. I stopped long enough to take a couple of pictures with my phone.
Yukon river looking downstream from the pilings the day after breakup started. Yukon River looking upstream from pilings at Galena two days after the ice moved.
The pictures above were taken at the pilings near the ball field. The sun was just coming up so the ice isn’t clearly visible in these shots but it is still running. For the next several days the ice run will alternate between nearly clear stretches to bank to bank runs. As long as it stays running and the water doesn’t get near flood stage we are happy.
This video was shot on my run to work on the morning of 12 May. The ice is moving pretty well which is what we are looking for. Rumor has it the first barge of the year left Nenana on either Monday or Tuesday. Not only will they have to contend with any ice on the river but the large amount of driftwood that comes with it.
As soon as the majority of the ice is out of the river driftwood gathering starts. I mostly burn driftwood but it is really hard on your chain as you cut it up due to all the silt that gets embedded in the log.
Not much else is going on right now. Doing the majority of my runs in the morning still because there is less dust and vehicle traffic on the roads.