We finally got to make our train trip and it was worth the wait. The train between Fairbanks and Anchorage is the Denali Star. If you visit the interior and want to see a good cross section of the state this is definitely the way to do it. The trip from Fairbanks to Anchorage is… Continue reading Denali Star trip
Month: May 2014
At the train station
Lynn and I are at the train station waiting to board the train for our trip to Anchorage. The weather is sunny here in Fairbanks but it is supposed to be rainy near the mountains. Hopefully I will get some good pictures to post.
First boat trip of the year!
I changed my oil, serviced the lower unit and put fresh gas in the tank the other day. The wind was kind of strong last couple of days but the weather improved a little today so I decided to go out and see how the boat runs. I ran upriver quite a little ways and… Continue reading First boat trip of the year!
Yukon River is ice free in Galena
All the ice is gone from the Yukon here in Galena. The first barge hasn’t arrived yet but I don’t think it will be too far away. There is still a lot of driftwood in the river so I am going to hold off putting the boat in for a few days. I still need… Continue reading Yukon River is ice free in Galena
Prepairing for another construction season in Galena
The ice is still running but consists mostly of small chunks. The weather was beautiful today with just a few mosquito’s out. Aircraft have been flying in almost every day bringing in construction materials for people rebuilding their homes. The barges won’t be able to run until the river is ice free but that shouldn’t… Continue reading Prepairing for another construction season in Galena
Ice run in Galena
[youtube=http://youtu.be/wrnfl1SxxG0] The ice was running today so hopefully the river will be open soon. Ice had been stopped at the bends above town and at Bishop Rock but things started moving this afternoon. We will check on this again but maybe breakup is close to being over.
The ice moved in Galena !
The ice moved today but was stopped by the time I got down to the river. The water is still low, about 104 feet. It was a little cooler today than it has been, in fact I saw a few snowflakes this morning. It will be nice to be able to get my boat in… Continue reading The ice moved in Galena !
Waiting for breakup
Waiting for breakup to start and it doesn’t look like it should be too far away. The weather is warm, all the snow is gone off the ground and the days are getting warm. I was riding my four-wheeler wearing a short sleeve shirt today so the weather is pretty nice. We are hoping this… Continue reading Waiting for breakup