Finally got some firewood in!

With help from a couple of co-workers my chainsaw is now running after being completely submerged in water from the flood. I have a cord of dry wood in the yard and finally got to build a fire tonight. The timing  couldn’t be better as the weather is returning to temperatures that are a bit more normal for this time of year. Currently it is -9F and should get a bit colder tonight. Normally it is -20F or colder this time of year. I need to get another cord in to last the winter since we normally use the wood stove until May at least. Victoria left earlier this week and is back in Arkansas until she leaves for Vet School later this year. The next big event will be the Iron Dog which starts 16 February. I hope to get a few pictures from the checkpoint to post here. The Iditarod also comes through Galena this year. Word is that they may move the official race start to Fairbanks due to bad snow conditions on the lower parts of the trail.

1 comment

  1. Glad you finally got some firewood. Maybe it will finally warm up some down here, if it is getting colder up there. I am tired of the teens, or less, It is finally up above freezing today, and we were able to go to church. But more freezing rain and snow is due tomorrow and Tuesday.

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