More house repairs done

Finally got the water pump and tank hooked up today. Cabinets are complete and the sink has been installed in the kitchen. I have some conduit to run tomorrow and the utility room should be ready for the washer/dryer. As soon as the tub surround is put in we should be in good shape. I… Continue reading More house repairs done

Moose Season is Open!

The early moose season is open here and I have already seen one successful hunter come back with a nice moose. Still a little early for the rut though and work is keeping us pretty busy. I plan on going out later in the season. The water has dropped a little but not so much… Continue reading Moose Season is Open!

First time on the Yukon this year

[youtube=] Well, we finally got enough of a break today to get the boat out on the river. Normally I would have been using it to get firewood and scout for moose but this year we have had to spend every moment we could getting the house repairs done. We went upriver a little ways… Continue reading First time on the Yukon this year